On February 9-11 Anna Grunwald from the National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw and Carolina Kołbyk from Association "Based in Warsaw" held a meeting at the Museum of Hutsul and Pokuttya in Kołomyja. The purpose of this visit was to organize a seminar which will be held at the National Ethnographic Museum in Warsaw in May. During the workshop, we discussed project objectives, both official ones and non-personal ones, collected ideas for working methods, agreed on a design and scope of the future website. Later in the meeting we identified a set of criteria to use when recruiting to the seminar and developed questions to the survey recruitment.
The project "Throught culture for local communities" is the field to meet and talk about culture and its role in shaping modern civic society. An important element of the initiative will be cooperation of Polish and Ukrainian artists, which arose in four working groups to develop and implement projects in the public space in Kołomyja.
The purpose of the visit was to identify needs and expectations of the project of the Ukrainian side. Finally we agreed a date of the next meeting in Kołomyja in which we will lead a workshop with the work by the project, as such needs were reported by our Ukrainian partners.
Organizer: Association "Based in Warsaw"
Co-Organizer: The State Etnographical Muzeum in Warsaw, National Museum of Hutsulshchyna & Pokuttya Folk Art
The project was funded under the Polish-American Freedom Foundation's "Region in Transition" - RITA, implemented by the Foundation for Education for Democracy.
The project is also funded by the City Office Warsaw.